As promised I did some research on elements that can create a high magnetic force. What I stumbled upon is an element called Neodymium. I found this element when I was reading some information for this online class I am watching videos for. The class is about nanotechnology and how that can be used in the future. The topic was using nano sized magnets to create joints for many different things. (Might me a viable solution to my magnetic furniture joinery idea.) They have been using nano particles of neodymium mixed with iron to create powerful magnetic bonds. This mixture is one reason why electronics are getting smaller and lighter. Neodymium has a large magnetic force is because the outer ring has seven unpaired electrons. This is important because magnets are caused by the aligning of unpaired electrons in the two substances you are connecting. I think this element could be a key factor in my development of levitating furniture. Unfortunately the element is very rare, and is not found in raw form. It is found in mixtures of other elements. (parentheses again: Luckily my father is a geologist and knows about the element, so maybe it isn't too far from my grasps.)
For my next post I will be showing the conceptual renderings I have for what my levitation lounge chair will look like. Check back later this week to see those pictures!
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